Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When your wife says, "I want you to go play golf!". . . Play golf!

Date: April 4, 2010
Tee Time: 11:15 am
Course: Breakfast Hill Golf Club
Location: Greenland, NH
Playing Partners: None - Playing as a Single

"Not your best," the starter said to me as I started walking down the fairway on the first tee after putting two balls into the left OB (Out Of Bounds).  That one statement more or less sums up my round.  However, I walk away still happy to have enjoyed a round of golf on Easter.  Spring has sprung as early as I can remember it springing in New England.  The grass is green and trees are already budding.  The golf courses are still a bit on the soggy side after 12+ inches of rain falling in the last four weeks, but play was only disrupted by this on a couple of holes.  The greens at Breakfast Hill were a bit bumpy, which is to be expected this early in the year.  All in all the course was in great condition for early April, a time in New England when courses are used to still being under a few inches of snow.

I was immediately surprised with how many people were playing golf on Easter.  I called to make sure the course was even open before leaving, and ended up needing to make a tee time in order to get out.  I am glad to see that golf courses are going to get this little spring boost, they must really need it after a few hard years.

I was joined with a couple of guys, father and son, getting in 18 before Easter dinner that night.  These two were a great joy to play with.  The Father, John had just moved to the Seacoast and was just getting familiar with the area, and his son Neal who had traveled up from Boston and his busy life as a Pharmaceutical Rep to Play golf with dad and have Easter dinner.  None of us played particularly well, but nobody got upset or frustrated, we were all out to just have a good time enjoying the unusually great weather for early April.  When one of us hit a nice shot there was some patting on the back but when there was shot the ended up 10 yards into the woods we were all just as content to shrug it off and move of without a word.

My swing I will say was not altogether bad.  The problem I faced throughout the round was a pull hook, causing most of my drives to go into the left woods and my approaches to par threes to go over the green.  My putting and chipping were surprisingly good for the first time out.  Normally at the start of the year I struggle with feel in and around the greens due to being away from the game for so many months but that was not the case.  I feel that a couple trips to the range will do me well and any flaws that I have in my swing will be easily fixed with some repetition.

My final thought for my first round of the year is this:
"Even in April one must wear sunscreen!"

Front Nine - 54
Back Nine  - 48
Total - 102 "Not My Best!"

Until the next round,

Cheers to all!

1 comment:

  1. Gordie, Golf Grammy & I are keeping up on your writing. Glad you keep playing & having fun! Aunt Anne
