Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tiger Talk

Is Tiger wrong to get upset after hitting a poor shot? Answer – No.  Should he hold back, and bottle up all that emotion?  Answer - No.  Should the Media leave it alone and let the man play the Game.  Answer – YES!

After ABC’s in your face cameras accidentally picked up some choice words issued by Tiger yesterday many in the media circuit talked about how inappropriate his behavior is.  Tiger cannot be faulted for an outburst when under that kind of pressure.  I have been to golf tournament and have heard others golfers utter profanities under their breath.  The difference being, there are not herds of cameras and microphones following those players like Hyenas stalking prey.  Myself, I like to see him berate himself; it reminds me that he is still human.  I also know that shortly after telling himself what an idiot he is he starts to play better and often times wins tournaments.  I think if we were ever to see a relaxed Tiger who shows no emotion we would see a losing Tiger.

I have a good friend who plays in much the same way.  When his game starts to shift downward he has an outburst, becomes quiet for a couple holes and then starts to play better.  I think some of us just need the raw emotion of anger and determination to play better. 

I hope everyone enjoys the conclusion to Masters today.   I am rooting for either Lee Westwood or Fred Couples.  I am not sure why I don’t want Phil to win but I have never been a big fan of his.  Seeing one of the other players who are not that far back make a charge today would make for a fun tournament to watch.

Cheers to all!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I'm not a big fan of the hype surounding Tigers' scandal. I've noticed that the only people who care about this scandal are not fans of golf, but more fans of pop culture. Most of the real golf fans just want this to go away so we can get back to watching one of the best golfers alive without distraction. I hope Fred Couples wins it as well. Keep up the good work with "Tales from the faiway". I enjoy reading them :)
