Friday, January 8, 2010

Somewhere to Start?

So I said to myself, "self, what am I going to do this winter if i can't be out on the Golf Course?  What can I do to make up the time spent making bogeys, 3 putting and hitting out of the sand?  Why not write a Blog about how miserable I am without Golf.  Why not talk about why I came to love the game and what makes it so appealing to so many people."  I am by no means a writer.  I spent most of my high school years stoned so I am lucky I came out still speaking English.  My wife will likely spend as much time editing my posts as I will in just writing them.  So, to all who have come to read, welcome and enjoy.

 I, like many people that live in states where winter is still considered a season, spend 5 months of the year with my clubs hanging in the garage.  I trade in my  polo shirt, shorts and golf shoes for sweaters, long johns and heavy boots.  My driver becomes a shovel and the only balls I see are those made from cheese.  Outside, everything green is now white and the only golf I get comes from tiny little men on a 42" screen playing in places that I could never afford, and hitting golf shots that defy the rules of nature.  At the office, "golf talk" is over.  No more, "Where did you play this weekend?" or "So...I was on the 15th hole with a choice to hit driver or 3 iron..." or, "I got my butt whupped by a chick on the course..."  Oh no, we are back to hibernating in our cave-like offices hoping no one comes around to strike up conversations that we have absolutely no material for.  Life for the North Eastern golfer will go on and golf season will again come around, but for now we can spend time looking at reviews for the latest golf toy, browsing the latest edition of Golf Digest for training tips that we cut out to try in the spring, clean our golf shoes and clubs...again, pick the tees, balls and ball markers off the night stand and put them away, and maybe spend some time with whomever our significant other may be.  But, make no qualms about it, the golf fever will be back in a few short months and all can go back as it should be.  Until then there will be this blog to get me through.

Cheers to all!

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