Sunday, March 28, 2010

Golf Gammie on Playing with other People

Something to think about as golf gets underway here in the Northeast.

Are you the kind of person people like to play with?  

Take a minute to think of all the reasons you like playing with a certain person.  What qualities do you like about them on the golf course?  Do you practice these some Qualities?

Recently on the Golf Channel Brad Faxon was commenting that the tour pros like to play with Padrig Harrington.  He is always smiling whether he is having a good or bad round.  Brad went on talking about Padrigs's attitude, his walk, finally he said, "He Comforts you".  Wouldn't you like to feel comfortable with everyone you play with?  Think about it.

My best advice to you when playing with someone you have just met (This also would apply to your regular foursome), Keep You Mouth Shut.  They don't always want you advice, especially if you are not qualified to give advice.  If you were playing at the state level you would find yourself penalized.

According to the Rules of Golf - Rule 8-1
During a Stipulated Round a Player Must Not:
(a) give advice to anyone in the competition, playing on the course other than his partner, or
(b) ask for advice from anyone other than his partner or either of their caddies.
Penalty for breach of Rule: Match Play - Loss of hole    Stroke Play - Two Strokes 

Anyone, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned golfer could benefit from reading "Golf For Dummies" by Gary McCord.

Here is a Small Caption from "Golf For Dummies" under Who to play with.

When you are not the Worst

There is of course, the other side of the coin.  How do you behave when another member of your group con't get the ball above shin height?  Here are some pointers:

       Say Nothing.  Whatever you do, do not attempt to be encouraging as your pal's game slips further into the mire.  After a while, you'll run out of things to say.  And you Pal will be annoyed with you.  And never give advice or swing tips to anyone.  You'll be blamed for the next bad shot.

       Talk about other Stuff. The last thing you should talk about is your Pal's awful game.  Find some common interest and chat about that.  Anything to get the subject off that 20 yard dribbler your pal just hit.

As I said before just Keep your Mouth Shut.

Golf Grammie

Go Tiger!

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