Monday, June 28, 2010

Good round, Bad Golf, the shanks, and Bubba's Emotional Finish

During the 20 minute commute to Pease Golf Course this past Sunday, I played over and over in my mind what my round would look like.  In my head I knew every shot I would need to hit, where I would need to place it in the fairway and I was assuredly going to score somewhere close to par.

Unfortunately my swing did not agree with my imagination.  I knew the shots I wanted to hit but failed in every respect to execute them.  Luckily the day turned out to be quite beautiful weather wise, else it would have been a wasted day.  I cannot quite place where it happened but somewhere in the last two week I have acquired the dreaded shanks.  I simply do not feel confident with any club right now.  I am especially not confident with either of my wedges which used to be my two go to clubs.  Almost every shot was darting straight out to the right.  I would almost be OK if it were instead a slice, but these are just simply mis-hits entirely.  If it were a slice I would at least know where to begin in fixing it.  I see long frustrating hours at the range in my  future.

To cap off my Sunday afternoon I sat down with a frosty beverage and enjoyed the final remaining holes of the Travelers Championship.  Nothing finishes off a dismal day of golf better then a playoff.  Bubba Watson, Corey Pavin and Scott Verplank.  It seemed that Bubba would take it on the first playoff hole after very nearly holing his 124 yd sand wedge to the green, but Verplank made a clutch put to keep him in the game.  Corey Pavin made a either a poor club selection or a mis hit off the tee leaving him too far back to really be a contender in the playoff, although he was very useful in offering advice to Bubba who was a little confused as to whether or not to mark his ball or tap it in once he reached the green.  It goes to show you that there are situations that even tour pros get into where they need advice.

On the Second playoff hole, Par 3 154 yds, both Bubba and Scott were off the green with their tee shots, but it was Bubba who was able to get up and down to secure his par and the Win.  What followed was an emotional hug from his girl friend and an awkward interview with David Feherty.  Poor Bubba was still so choked up he could barely answer the commentators questions.  It was evident that a lot of emotion had been building over having not won and finally being in a position where it could and did happen.  Congratulations Bubba on a great win, it could not have gone to a more deserving golfer.

For more details on previous rounds of the tournament and an interesting take on advertising at a golf tournament check out Golf Girls's Diary.

Until the next Round,

Cheers to All!

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